11 white chrysanthemums

Время работы магазинов: ПН-ВС 09:00 - 24:00

7657- короткий номер
+375 44 5 88 49 11

г. Минск, ул. Мястровская, 24

+375 44 5 88 99 11

г. Минск, пр-кт Рокоссовского, 78

  • 11 white chrysanthemums

11 white chrysanthemums

  • 165.00 BYN

Large bouquet of chrysanthemums: buy in Minsk

Fresh and elegant chrysanthemums are universal gift. They are bought for friends, mothers, grandmothers, beloved, teachers. We offer to buy chrysanthemums of white color to please dear person, express your respect and appreciation. These wonderful flowers are collected in a charming bouquet.

We offer to our clients:

  • convenient schedule for taking orders (9am–12pm);
  • original handmade cards;
  • delivery of flowers in Minsk and outside the city;
  • various methods of payment: cash, credit card (through the terminal or Webpay system).

You can order chrysanthemums in our online store by phone or using the form of online application. Specify the address and time of delivery in it. Our courier will bring you flowers at any time you choose. Large inflorescence of chrysanthemums keep a freshness during two or three weeks. They decorate any room, remind of warm sunny days and please all people around.

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